Julia Jarman


Welcome to my website!

Have a look round. You will find details of my books for READERS OF ALL AGES! I’ve been writing for children for nearly 40 years – yes, I’m getting on! – and recently started writing women’s fiction.

My backlist adds up to more than a hundred books for children, long ones, short ones, contemporary and historical, funny, sad and silly.

I was a teacher when I began and I still love visiting schools and libraries. I like to help teachers and librarians to whom I owe a lot. 

You will find resources for teachers and librarians based on my work, including word-searches and pictures to colour, also lesson plans and schemes of work supplied by other teachers. There’s a section about visits to schools and libraries.

Please get in touch using the form at the bottom of the page if you want more info.

I live in a small village in Bedfordshire, England but enjoy travelling to talk about my work. I write almost every day – I love my job! – but also spend time reading, gardening, cooking, walking, swimming, seeing family and friends and – fave treat! – going to the theatre.

For more biographical information, please visit ‘About Julia’, or my Amazon Author Page.

(If you find any links that aren’t working, please let me know!)


WIDOWS WAIVE THE RULES, is now available!

In this, the third in the series, Viv and Zelda take Janet on a cruise to New York to try and lift her spirits when her beloved husband dies, leaving her bereft.

Whose spirits would not be lifted by a week aboard the stupendously luxurious Queen Mary 2, enjoying fine wines, cordon bleu cooking and fabulous entertainment?

 New Children’s Book – Poonami!

I first heard the word ‘Poonami’ and thought ‘title’ when I met a friend’s latest grandchild for the first time.

The story quickly followed inspired by that real life moment.

Priscilla Lamont’s pics capture the warm family atmosphere and the splattering climax!

Widows Flying High!

My first novel for grown- ups. The Widows’ Wine Club was published by Boldwood Books in August 2023 and it’s selling well! It has been in the Top 100 Kindle books on Amazon in the USA, and has been getting great reviews. The sequel, Widows on the Warpath has also been well received.

The books are about friendship, new beginnings, finding love and happiness in later life, and of course wine! I’m thrilled to say both are getting great reviews and are flying high in the charts, especially Kindle.

You can order copies now in paperback, hardback, including large print, Kindle, Kobo and audio editions. Find them on Amazon and in all good book shops.

The widows in my Widows series are unlikely friends. I was delighted when Ben Fox, creator of the exciting new website, Shepherd, asked me to tell readers why and recommend other books on the same theme. These are my Best 5 – all cracking reads. Hope you enjoy them!

You can find out more about me and my books on my Amazon Author Page.

If you like one of my books (or any book) -please leave a review. Authors who aren’t already famous find it hard to get attention and sales, but reviews and star * ratings help.
It’s very easy to write one on Amazon, and not hard on other sites like Goodreads.


I regularly visit schools and libraries to talk to children and teachers about my work.

Pictures from recent visits can be found in the gallery. Please send me yours if you would like to be on show!