The Books
For Tots, Teens and In Betweens
Who Are My Books For?
Children of all ages.
I’ve grouped books in order of age and difficulty – of subject matter and reading ability – but these are guidelines only, not rules.
Babies enjoy the Big Red Bath and so do six year olds. A seven year old will enjoy reading Stowaway or The Magic Scooter or Class Two at the Zoo but may also like to hear mum or dad or a teacher read The Time Travelling Cat and the Egyptian Goddess.
Twelve year olds may like Hangman, a challenging book about bullying, but also enjoy poring over the pictures in a beloved picture-book..
Many of my books fit in with the school curriculum. See Topic Webs* to find out where some of them help with subjects including history, geography and PSHE. Some are hi-los, like the horror story, Jenny Greenteeth, written for older dyslexic readers, but with a much wider appeal.
Finding the right book for the right child at the right time is the key to a lifetime of READING FOR PLEASURE.
Like adults, children sometimes need books to relax with and sometimes to challenge and stimulate.
It’s good to let them choose for themselves. If you’re choosing for a child, bear in mind their personality and interests. Try to widen their experience by all means, but don’t insist they finish something they’re clearly not enjoying.
Try another book.
Borrow my books from your library.
Buy my books from independent booksellers – you may have to order and the Hive system is good – or online from Amazon and other suppliers.
To see all of the books in each category, please click on the heading below.
Happy reading!
Books for Tots
Ages 3 to 6, Early Years / Foundation / Key Stage 1

Books for Teens
Ages 12 to 16, Key Stage 3 & 4

Books for In Betweens
Ages 7 to 11 – Key Stage 2