Visits Gallery
Visits to Schools and Libraries
I’m fortunate to be invited frequently to schools and libraries.
My most recent visits can be found in the Latest News section.
This page shows a sample of the pictures and stories created by pupils and staff over the past few years.
If I have visited your school in recent times and you would like your pictures included on this page, please ask your teacher to email them to me.
World Book Day March 2022 – Kings Acre School, Ely.
Luckily teachers are excellent photographers and I rely on them to send me pics! Here are some from fun-teacher, Simon Dean, who invited me to start World Book Week at his school for World Book Day. He kindly wrote to parents:
“Today, renowned children’s author, Julia Jarman, has been at King’s Ely Acremont Pre-Prep and Nursery.”
Renowned, I like that!
“As you can see, Julia had our Nursery children enthralled with her storytelling this morning!”

The pupils at Kings Ely did some super writing and drawing based on the characters from The Big Red Bath!

Alice Model Nursery and The Big Red Bath
Children’s Activities inspired by Julia Jarman’s story book ‘The Big Red Bath.
We had a very interesting workshop with some of the actors from the Half Moon Theatre working with the children.
During the workshop the children’s imagination soared, enabling them to create their own stories inspired by the ‘The Big Red Bath’.
Later, there was a visit to the Nursery from the author, ‘Julia Jarman’. She retold the story of the Big Red Bath with the use of props. This captured the children’s imagination and inspired children to make story books of their own.
All of the children at the nursery then had the opportunity to visit the Half Moon Theatre to watch ‘The Big Red Bath’ on stage. There were lots of opportunities for the children to participate in a number of different activities related to the story, including, role-play, collage story-writing, and the re-creation of characters from the story using different materials.

The Big Red Bath soundtrack was in the background, as the children played. This supported the children’s ability to recall the sequence of the ‘Big Red Bath’ story, and encouraged movement and language from the ‘Big Red Bath’ story. The children were excited about re-enacting the role of their favourite animals from the story.
A small group of ‘Big Red Bath’ enthusiast also enjoyed the experience of visiting B&Q to look at and explore real bathrooms.
In the Nursery we re-created our own Big Red Bath experience. The children enjoyed exploring the various bathing accessories and equipment, including, sponges, mesh puffs, towels, and shower heads, dishes, bubble machines, bathing toys and more. The children took on roles to help one another get clean and tidy. Exploring the various coloured and scented bubble baths and shower gels to create their own bubbles, and to explore texture, colour and smells, was a particularly enjoyable experience for most children.
Westfield Infant School, Hinkley

The displays at this vibrant school were so big, bright and bold I couldn’t miss them.
This one of Big Red Bath caught my eye as soon as I came into the foyer.
There were more throughout the school featuring old favourites and more recent titles.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much artwork featuring my books in one school.
Beckford Primary School
This is a note from Clair Essex from Beckford Primary School.
I visited them in June.
“Thank you so much again for spending the day with us. The children and staff all thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Our learning councillors are still writing their report but I have attached Millie’s story for you.”

Book Week Bonanza at St. Nicholas C.E. Primary School!
Here is a lovely write up from Joanna Davis, literacy coordinator at St Nicholas School in Hurst following my visit in March.
Wow! What a week it was! Fabulous book character costumes at the start of the week and a visit by Julia Jarman to celebrate World Book Day at the end of the week.
On top of this, all classes participated in a Book Cover Design Competition for some of the Julia Jarman books shared within our classrooms, and we enjoyed a mammoth author-signing event by our special author guest in our School Hall after school on the Friday, which resulted in huge book sales, children having their purchased texts personalised by a signature from Julia Jarman. This resulted in a good sum of commission from ‘Chapter One,’ which will be spent on fiction texts for our classrooms.
Thanks go to all parents and children who supported the book-signing by patiently joining long queues in the Hall, to St. Nicholas staff for all their help during the week and to parents for their spontaneous help with the sale of books.! Also, it has been a pleasure to work with ‘Chapter One Bookshop’ in Woodley; Mary and John Baker, who manage the enterprise, assisted me with organising Julia’s visit, put up the author over night and delivered all the texts for our after-school Book Sale.
Teachers would like to congratulate children on their superb cover designs and colouring in our school-wide project. The winners won a book, an extra World Book Day £1 book voucher, the opportunity to have their illustrations published on Julia Jarman’s official website, together with the display of their work in the window of ‘Chapter One’, Woodley. The runners-up won a £1 voucher and the opportunity to have their work displayed also on Julia’s website and in ‘ Chapter One’ Bookshop.

Visit to Abbey Junior School

I’m a bit late putting this up. It’s a note from Linda Raywood from Abbey Juniors school after a visit in March this year
“Many thanks for yesterday. I was so thrilled that you managed to entertain and inform so many different age groups. Nursery, in particular, stood out – I’ve never seen them so animated and interested.”
These are some photos taken with Reception.