Ghost Writer –
A chalky hand print on the shoulder of his school sweatshirt.
Wobbly letters on the blackboard.
What’s going on?
Frankie’s sure that the cupboard in the classroom holds the key to a mystery that’s haunted the village for generations.
He’s convinced that the ghost of a boy who went to the school over a hundred years ago is trying to tell him something: if only he could figure out what it is……….
Ghost Writer won the Stockport Schools Book Award, (KS2),was Highly Commended for the NASEN Award and was shortlisted for the West Sussex Book Award.
‘Sparky and spooky. This warm highly readable story gives an authentic child’s eye view of school friendships and concerns.’ TES/Teacher
‘I wanted to buy a class set of this. It’s a great book to read aloud – the flavour of school life is very real.’
Judge’s comment – Children’s Book Award. Times Educational Supplement
‘Very likeable … includes a chilling insight into Victorian school practice. The reader cheers.’ Irish Times.
‘A thrilling story with lots of unexpected twists and turns.’ Judge – West Sussex Book Award.
For an exciting DVD based teaching resource using Ghost Writer, please follow this link
For lesson plans featuring Ghost Writer, please follow this link.

Here is an article about Ghost Writer from The Times Educational Supplement, June 2003
Hi, my daughter has just finished reading this book and has thoroughly enjoyed it. She especially liked Frankie as she too has dyslexia and loved his use of DBNT. She would like to know more about the photograph of the school children.