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New Books, School & Library visitsWhat’s Been Happening?

World Book Day 2025
I’m delighted to say I’ve been invited back to Westwood Primary School in March, Cambridgeshire. This is a brilliant school which unusually for primaries has its own qualified librarian. Natasha Delaney is an inspiration to staff and pupils alike – and me! I loved my last visit three years ago.
School Visits
I’m delighted to say visits are picking up again. I’ve been all over the country this year, twice to Portsmouth where the highlight was Big Park Read in July.
I read Cheeky Chick to 800 children on a rainy day but nothing daunted our spirits.
I felt like a rock star!

Recent Events
The star of one of my recent visits was the curious cat at Southwood School in Milton Keynes. She insisted on ‘Joining in with Julia’ and had a good look at the books.
Remember that school visits can take place at any time not just around WBD and they’re a very good idea!
In fact I prefer to do only one or two visits a week. That leaves me with more time to write and more ENERGY just for you!
Follow this link for more details and pricing information.

World Book Day 2024
I had a great time at The Kings School Macclesfield where outstanding librarian Soulla Costandi organised a brilliant day.

World Book Day March 2022!
My first visit was to Sketchley Hill Primary in Leicestershire for the day itself, Thursday March 3rd. As I write on every WBD eve, I was very excited. I spoke to every pupil in the school in an action packed day and after school signed books supplied by the amazing travelling bookshop, Roving Books.
And then was off to London for more fun and games next day, again with Roving Books.
I visited Bousfield Primary in Earls Court seeing every pupil in the school from Nursery to Year 6. I hope to have pictures from both these schools to show you soon. Have to say I’m so busy when I’m giving my presentations and answering pupils’ questions that I forget to take photos myself.
Luckily teachers are excellent photographers and I rely on them to send me pics! Here are some from fun-teacher, Simon Dean, who invited me to start World Book Week at his school on Monday. He kindly wrote to parents:
“Today, renowned children’s author, Julia Jarman, has been at King’s Ely Acremont Pre-Prep and Nursery.”
Renowned, I like that!
“As you can see, Julia had our Nursery children enthralled with her storytelling this morning!”

Reception teacher, Ms Axten-Higgs, was also enthusiastic and sent me samples of work ‘inspired by your visit.’ Wow!
(I’ll put pictures in the gallery.)
I’m looking forward to hearing from Years 1 and 2 who were very keen on Class One Farmyard Fun and Class Two at the Zoo. But then everyone loves Class Two at the Zoo! I wonder why. It can’t be because that enormous snake eats a teacher, can it?
And some bright sparks in Year 2 bought The Time Travelling Cat and the Viking Terror, set in their home town. I hope it doesn’t give them nightmares. The villain, Viking Chief, Ingwar the Boneless – yes bone-less – wreaked havoc and burnt down Ely Cathedral. He really did!
And then he used King Edmund of East Anglia for target practice AND cut off his head. But don’t worry, his head reconnected itself and he became St Edmund, founder of Bury St Edmund’s, a nearby town. All’s Well That Ends Well!
Please, send me your photographs and I’ll display them all in my Gallery.
Happy World Book Day!
BIG RED BATH On Stage – Autumn 2021
I’m thrilled to say that BIG RED BATH, the musical based on the picture-book I created with brill illustrator, Adrian Reynolds, recently completed it’s second tour around the country.
I attended almost every performance, signing books at every venue except one.
The tour was a great success and I’m hopeful that Full House Theatre might be tempted to go for a third set of shows at some point.

20th June 2021
Joys of lockdown? Yes, there have been some!
I’ve loved hearing librarians reading my stories at virtual story-times all over the country. Rachel in Newcastle has read Big Red Bath. Most recently Trish in Builth Wells has read Jungle Grumble as part of the library’s Silly Squad, Summer Reading Challenge.
Books don’t come sillier than Jungle Grumble illustrated by Lynne Chapman. Click this link to see and hear it.
I’ve been busy in the garden and have grown a lot of lovely veg. Like the reformed Fussy Freda I’ve been inventing recipes to use them all up.
Yes, I will tell you something I’ve been keeping secret. I have been writing and I’ve just finished a novel which I began years ago. It’s with my agent so I’m waiting nervously. Authors spend a lot of time trying not to bite their nails. Will she like It? Will she think it good enough to send to publishers? Will they like it? That’s all I’ll say about that at the moment but watch this space.
My new website, It’s good I think, but not perfect yet. We need your help to point out where links don’t work, so please get in touch to tell us.
I’ve enjoyed reading some of my own stories on video. We plan to have a YouTube channel with me reading lots of my stories. Meanwhile, here are some links to the ones I’ve recorded so far.
13th May 2020
Let’s be cheerful! I could tell you about cancelled visits but what would be the point of that?
I do need to tell you that Full House Theatre’s tour of Big Red Bath, scheduled for May and June, has been postponed, postponed NOT cancelled. I hope for not too long.
Watch this space to find out when it WILL be coming to a theatre near you.
Meanwhile listen up! There are lots of good things happening!
The lovely people who organise stories in the park in Bedford have created STAY AT HOME STORYTIME!
Check out Facebook or Instagram #stayathomestorytime every morning at 11am for a great story read by a Bedford person.
Yesterday was my turn. I read Class Two at the Zoo and you can hear it by going to the site or – short cut! – clicking here.
I’ve also recorded Class Three All At Sea but was boarded by a young sea-dog while reading, so I’m not sure if this will go ahead. Again, watch this space!
Teachers have been busy making recordings too. I have heard from several who are reading The Time Travelling Cat and the Egyptian Cat to their Year 3 pupils, and a couple reading The Time Travelling Cat and the Roman Eagle to their Year 4 classes.
Thank you, teachers, for letting me know. This made me so happy I sent each teacher a signed copy of the book to share with their pupils.
I also sent some picture books to librarian Joanne Jenkinson of Lincoln Central Library, who needed books to carry on with Rhyme Time from her home, because she couldn’t get into the library to get the books out.
Must stop giving books away or I’ll be bankrupt, but I do love hearing from you!
Keep fit, keep happy and keep in touch!
PS. Below are pics from some of the schools I visited around World Book Day.
What fun that was!
Visit to Barlby Primary School, London.
I had a lovely visit to Barlby Primary School in North Kensington, London where I met Year One and Two pupils and staff. This Year One class had prepared a list of questions. I had a great day and look forward to returning soon to speak to Year 4 who are reading The...
World Book Day 2020!
World Book Day 2020! World Book Day 2020 is on March 5th! I’ll be at Thorpedene Primary School in Shoeburyness. On WBD eve I’ll be at Barton Seagrave Primary School in Kettering.
Visit To Krishna Avanti Primary School
I was delighted to be invited to visit the Krishna Avanti School in Leicester in February 2020. Teacher Razina Gaffar said; Julia is a lovely lady who really engaged both staff and children! Children loved her stories and were excited to get their books signed, she...
Big Red Bath on Stage in 2020!
Big Red Bath Back On Tour In 2020! Starting Spring 2020. For ages 2-5 A quirky, vibrant and humorous adaptation of Julia Jarman and Adrian Reynolds’ popular children’s picture book. Rubba-Dubba-Giggle, Rubba-Dubba-Laugh, there’s magic to be found in the Big Red...
Understanding Dementia – Lovely Old Lion
When librarian Karen Morris told me there was a very real need for a story about dementia I said I'd have a go. Karen said a lot of children were having to come to terms with the fact that their grannies and granddads were losing their memories. Beloved grandparents...
Happy New Year, Happy New Library!
I was thrilled to be asked to open two libraries in January. What a great start to the year! First it was off to Hayden Abbey School in Aylesbury, where I had a brilliant World Book Day last year. It's such a lively book-loving school and I was delighted that they...
Hooray For Libraries!
PLR stands for Public Lending Rights. It refers to the little something authors get every time one of their books is borrowed from the library. My books were borrowed a lot last year. Thank you very much! More than 20,000 of you took BIG BOUNCY BED home. Three cheers...
New Look for The Time Travelling Cat!
It's 25 years since Ka, the Time Travelling Cat, first appeared in "Topher and his Time Travelling Cat". Since then the book, never out of print, has had several titles and many guises. Here she is in her latest garb. The whole series is getting a new look.
Fussy Freda – New Paperback Edition!
Freda is a very faddy child. Inspired by one of my own daughters - she drove me crazy - I've updated an earlier story to give it a healthy eating message. I hope this story saves lives! We launched this book as Beaudesert Lower School in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire...
The Time Travelling Cat at Wimpole History Festival
I really enjoyed being one of a group of speakers at Wimpole Hall last July. It was an opportunity to launch the new book cover for an old favourite, The Time Travelling Cat and the Great Victorian Stink. It was a great day out, so thank you to all those involved in...
More Fun Down on The Farm!
A new picture book for fans of Class Two at the Zoo and Class Three All at Sea! Especially good for Year 1 and Year 2 learning about farms and colours. Be careful if you go to a farm wearing red clothing!