Lesson Plans and Other Resources
Lesson Plans and Topic Webs
My aim in this section is to be helpful, give you stuff you can use and SAVE YOU WORK!
I also want to share ideas and lesson plans, based on my books, generously given by other professionals.
Please click on the links below to download the PDF files.

The Time Travelling Cat and The Egyptian Goddess
Teacher Sarah Fleming has devised 20 lessons based on The Time Travelling Cat and the Egyptian Goddess.
Please right click on this link and choose ‘Save as’ to download.
A Topic Web is also available. Again, right click this link to download.
Class Three All At Sea
Lucy Compton of Spinney Hill Primary School in Leicester used Class Three All at Sea as described in the following lesson plan.
OFSTED Inspectors visiting the school said they had never seen such a high standard of writing from Year 1 Boys.
Thank you to Lucy for agreeing to share her lesson planning with other teachers.

The Time Travelling Cat and the Tudor Treasure
Here are two lesson plans based on The Time Travelling Cat and the Tudor Treasure.
Many thanks to Charlotte Johnson at St Gabriel’s School for sharing them.
The files are in PDF format.
To download them, please right click the links and choose Save As.
Ghost Writer
Here is a a scheme of work for studying Julia Jarman’s writing, using Ghost Writer as a main text.
These plans were created by Liz Wickins of Margaret Beaufort School in Bedfordshire.
Please right click this link and choose ‘Save As’ to download the PDF.

Kangaroo’s CanCan Cafe
A Series of Lessons based on Kangaroo’s Can-Can Cafe by Julia Jarman
The children were very excited to base so much enjoyable work around one book. It was stimulating for the teacher to be able to incorporate many aspects of the curriculum.
Kindly shared by Janet Rhodes -Lancot Lower School.
Please right click this link and choose Save As to download the PDF file.
Thanks to Gill Davies and Donna Levene of Henlow Middle School for their generosity in sharing the lesson plans that follow.
They and other teachers in the school have taught Hangman to Year 7 classes for many years – ‘because it works every time.’
Note that the references to Bronte, Chaucer, Kipling and Shakespeare are to the four work groups in each class.
There are a few references to worksheets that I haven’t yet acquired, but the plans for a half term’s work will save teachers hours of planning time.
Other teachers have used Hangman with Y6 classes with great success and these plans can be adapted for younger or older groups.
Please right click this link and choose ‘Save As’ to download the PDF.
Thank you to Mrs Nikki Olhausen, Head of English at The Beacon School, Chesham Bois, for generously sharing the ’Hangman’ lessons she created for the Year 7 English curriculum.
Mrs Olhausen says that the book ‘never fails to engage’ and I think her lessons help.
The lessons are in Powerpoint format.
Please feel free to download and adapt for your own pupils.

Peace Weavers
Thank you to Liz Wickins and Sarah Keenan of Margaret Beaufort Middle School for generously sharing their enthusiasm and experience of teaching this text.
These activities refer to the hardback edition, which has a different cover to the paperback.
It is a good idea to have at least one copy of the hardback to compare with the paperback cover.
Right click this link and choose ‘Save As’ to download the PDF file.