Make Friends Break Friends

If you’re six, sixteen or sixty and female your friends are what matter.

You’re happy when you’re getting on but miserable when you’re not!

MAKE FRIENDS, BREAK FRIENDS is a girls’ book I have to admit.

Daisy has two best friends, Phoebe and Erika, but they don’t get on.

Daisy has a plan to get her two best friends to like each other but suddenly everyone’s against her!

Then the three girls have to spend a night together in a spooky old mill.

For girls of 6+ – these things start early! First in a series, MAKE FRIENDS, BREAK FRIENDS is in bookshops now.

The sequel A FRIEND IN NEED was published in July 2013.

Read on for two great reviews from pupils at Saint Martin’s School, Solihull.

“I liked ‘Make Friends Break Friends’ because first of all, you introduced a new character every few chapters but you didn’t introduce too many all at once. You also had a good character (Daisy) who can be bad as well.

The thing I noticed first was that the cover and the blurb made me want to read it straight away! When I got to the middle of the book there started to build up lots of suspense like the big argument. I thought it was good when you thought of each chapter as the days of the week. Those were all the things I really liked.

At the beginning I didn’t like Erika that much because she was a bit mean and a bit full of herself! I didn’t like her until the end, when they were all best friends forever!

Oh and I really liked Kate Pankhurst’s drawings.

I would recommend this book because it’s like real life and gives you tips on friendship. I think ages 7 – 10 would really enjoy this book.”

by Kaitlin Pragnell-Biggs, age 7 

“I really enjoyed the ‘Make Friends, Break Friends’ book. It was full of emotion and suspense.

I loved the idea of the chapters which were week days and that at the start of the story you described the characters and what the characters were like. I liked that the characters are different to each other. I really felt part of the build up in the story. I would have liked to find out more about Peg Powler.

Over my eight years I have been alive, I have read many books and this has been one of the most interesting books of my life. I adored the drawings by Kate Pankhurst.

I would recommend the book for 6 to 9 year olds.”

by Eva Burrell, age 8