Story Cat


If you want some story writing tips buy this book!

It is a unique ‘How to write a story’ story, which includes my Writing Recipe for cooking up a story.

I wrote it because I can’t get round to all the schools who want me to run writing workshops.

I hope it will help children write stories. 

Arthur, a floppy-eared dog, wants to write a story. Like lots of children he can think of a beginning, but not a middle or ending. “Write a story tonight,” says his wife, “Or go back to your old job.” Poor Arthur! His old job was window-cleaning and he’s afraid of heights! He’s in despair when a mysterious talking cat appears. Story Cat leads Arthur through the story-writing process – and also teaches young readers how to write stories.

Janet Rhodes, English Language co-ordinator at Lancot Lower School, Dunstable, read Story Cat to one of her classes. She was kind enough to send me this note.

“In Foxglove class, we have just finished reading Story Cat. For their End of KS Assessment, they will be writing a story – we release balloons every year so I want them to pretend they have gone up with the balloon. Where do they go? Who do they meet? What happens? How do they get back home?

Several children have been writing stories at home since your visit, so I though that by reading Story Cat, it might help. Thought you would be interested in some of their comments:”

“What a nice first page it was. The dog can’t think of anything. That happens to me.”

“It was funny when the dog had an idea. It gave me a happy feeling.”

It gives me more ideas about how to solve a problem in a story.”

“I liked the recipe. It made me think…What if?”

“It was very funny when Douglas squirted the Superglue and the bucket got stuck. I’m going to remember that.”

“The book made me remember how to get my stories better.”

“Julia used lots of connectives.”

“I liked it because there were 2 stories in 1. “
“Thank you, Julia for helping me to teach story writing in such a fun way. Will let you know if my results go through the roof!!!”

Here is a link to a question about Story Cat on the Times Educational Supplement Forum.

ISBN 1 904904 93 9

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